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Tag Archives: morality

In the name of Allah

Glory be to you, Lord


Brothers and Sisters I am deeply grieved on this Holy Friday because we have seen the ravenous taking of 28 souls on this day. Children, teachers, and an older gentleman woke up like we all did only to meet an end at the hands of a person who was lost within the Lower Self. Again, violence has caught us off guard and we are to ask ourselves why, why would such a person do this. I cannot tell you the motives of this deranged person but I would outline some overall factors that the United States of Babylon seems to be over looking. Instead of looking at the why we should look at the How.

You will always have one bad apple but we are having bushels of bad apples because we live in a society that shuns morality. Regardless whether you have a faith in God or not you should make sure from the second they are born that they know what is right and what is wrong. Instead of this anything goes mentality we are feeding the young today. Punish them so that they know that in the real world that consequences exist for what you do and make sure they know what those consequences are. Instead of this never punish it will be all right because you are special.

I remember being young and my family along with the teachers and even the television programming all had a moral lesson. When you take morality away from people or teach them a false reality then you are setting them in motion to become monsters. It’s not an excuse but a fact. We need to bring back right and wrong, crime and punishment into our way of life. Make prisons unfriendly places, make sure that your child knows the difference between reality and fantasy because the mind by itself cannot and if you allow people to follow whatever the mind dictates you will have millions of people that will indulge in whatever they fancy. Then they lose interest and move on to something more pervasive until they harm themselves, family, or as we have seen other people. Don’t be afraid to be an adult; don’t be afraid to be a real community instead of a fake community let them know where they stand now and where they will stand when they get older.   How many more warning signs do you need before you take action? Or will you simply bury your head in the sand and sigh in relief that it wasn’t anyone you knew or cared about. Until one day it is someone you care about then you will want something done but let me ask you this if you do not help others why would anyone help you? What we need to do is go after the symptom not the sickness.


A society will never be perfect but we can get it as close as we want it to be. I don’t believe as others do that throwing our hands up in the air saying one day it’ll magically get better so I’ll just sit on my buttocks and wait. No, I believe in action and we must take action not tomorrow but today and NOW.

The easiest way to teach is to be the example of what you teach. Too many people want to teach but do not embody or be what they teach. That is another flaw that must be overcome with self-discipline, which is another ugly word in our current society, but it must be done. If you teach but are a hypocrite then you have undone what you have taught. Thus teaching them to be deceivers pushing them deeper into the lower self.

So enjoy your Friday and all your other days, spread the Light of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice on everyone you meet making this world one step closer to perfection.


Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds